Maybe you feel guilty because you feel like other people are judging you. Although, no one would know about the porn you download, you still know and after a while it makes you feel dirty because that is how our society portrays porn.
I'm a girl, but I still don't feel comfortable buying condoms because I feel like I'd be saying, Look at me I have sex. Not that I'm embarrassed of it, I just don't like strangers to know what I do.
Having had past experience as a cashier I know that they do not care or really even think about what you are purchasing. They do not go on their breaks and discuss condom purchases with their coworkers. The girl isn't gonna laugh or even feel uncomfortable because it is just another product in the store that is being sold.
"Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives." -Michael Dermott