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Old 05-03-2003, 05:23 PM   #19 (permalink)
Location: CT,NYC,NJ(have been all over)
I don't think Israel is the block to peace at this point... after all it was arafat that walked away from the Taba talks when he was offered almost anything they asked for. Also, I don't it's "recognition" or statehood that they pack bombs with screws, bolts and rat poison for and blow up grandmothers, or shoot kids in their beds. It seems more like "insane fucking bloodlust" to me. Maybe a product of the controlled press, schools, media, etc.? The PA is a thugocracy. The US is right to demand reforms. Only problem is that Abbas isn't much different than Arafat- fatah veteran, he's a holocaust denier, just thinks palestian goals will be better achieved through non-violence. Let's remember that the PLO was formed in 1964, before Israel controlled gaza or the west bank- the whole area was once known as Palestine. The "liberation of Palestine" means the destruction of Israel. I agree with what was said above, maybe if Israel wiped out the crazies, some of them would want peace. But they execute anyone suspected of "collaborating with Israel", and as long as the current hierarchy exists (oh, and Abbas gave the education portfolio to hamas in the new government), there is no chance of peace. Any new concessions from Israel will be for nothing. better to wait until peace can actually be made. You can't force peace on people who don't want it.
Truth is peace. We are all souls in bodies.
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