Originally posted by docbungle
Give me a break. All the goalie interference on Abeischer isn't called, yet when Turco runs into an Avs player they call that on the Avs player. It goes both ways. It always has and always will.
Agreed. It goes both ways. I've seen tons of penalties against the Aves not called. I went to one of the games and saw the refs make some bad calls, and not call some penalties, for both teams, from 15 feet off the ice. It's not one sided, though it seems that way if you're only looking at what happens to one team and not what your team is doing.
Originally posted by silent_jay
The officiating is just all around bad, not one sided in any way, in any series that I have watched, and I have watched them all, just plain bad, nothing else describes it.
It's bad, but then, it's a tough job. While we at home have a birds eye view of it all, they've got a side view where their view of a penalty can be blocked out by some action or something in between their position and where the penalty happens. They've also made some really good calls. Shouldn't we give them a bit of credit for those ones dispite them missing or choosing not to call all the rest?
We can't blame everything on the refs no matter how hard we would like to. We can only hope that our players rise up above the reffing (good or bad) to win the game.