And I'm pretty sure that I've worked on more BMW's than you've owned (no offense meant), talked to the owners, etc, and guess what.....these amazing, masterfully built, superbly engineered cars break too.
I'll just say this now. I've owned 8 BMWs myself, my father sells BMW's and Mercedes'. I worked in a BMW exclusive dealer for 5 years. I think I've probably had my hands in a few more BMWs than you. Dont be so sure of yourself, you dont need to prove anything to anyone...
The dealer (or whatever BMW mechanic might be working on your car) knows that its an expensive vehicle, whose owner probably cant fix it him/her self, and obviously has a pretty decent stash-o-cash (as is the stereotype of owners of newer BMWs) to spend on repairs and maintainence. We used to do it all the time. The cars are more difficult to work on, so hell ya we're gonna charge ya more.
This is why our shop had so much business. Customers took their BMWs to your average Joe the Car Mechanic. He didnt know what the hell he was doing, so he ordered parts from the local BMW dealer and sat around trying to figure out how to fix it, then charged them out the ASS because he HAD NOT received the proper BMW Specific training. Our shop was very compeditively priced with all the other import car repair shops.
This tells you absolutely nothing except the degree of a cars chassis rigidity, which I will give to BMW. They have that down pretty well.
This tells ALOT more than 'chassis rigidity'. The smoothness of the engine, tranny, grade of interior construction materials.... the list could go on and on.
GMs are supposed to break, BMWs arent, right? So if I have a BMW that is a piece of shit, hell no I'm not going to tell everyone about it, because I when I bought this car, I told everyone that it would break far less than any other car (if at all), so now if I tell people that my Bimmer is a pile, I will be wrong. Cant have that.
Oh yes, bad30th, thats it

I'm sure thats the metality that most owners have... Every BMW Ive had has broken less often than every American car I've had. I know this from MY OWN experiences. I wont even go into other peoples experiences.
Thank you for starting your response like a normal mature human being, instead of "Sorry, wrong and wrong," It makes for a much better discussion when people dont begin their replys like their word is absolute truth.
Why do you even feel the need to say this? Do I think my word is the "absolute truth"? No. Do I think yours is? Hell fucking no. Dont insult me.
bad30th: I dont see why you feel the need to bully every post in this thread. Granted, you have some experience, but so do some other people. I dont see why after you got proved wrong once, that you need to be right ever single time after that. I wont even challenge anymore of your statements, because I dont have the time to write any lenthy, flame filled comebacks, unlike you.