I agree that officiating is one of the most difficult jobs in the world (relative, of course). I also understand that it is much easier to be a NFL and MLB offiicial, as the rules are much less subjective.
Why is it though that
every single year the officiating in the NBA and NHL come under fire for
not calling the rules ???
Why is it that I can see that it is a BLATANT rules violation from my TV and the "experienced" official doesn't? Better yet, he probably sees it but "decides" not to call it! To me, this is one of the reasons the NHL is in real trouble. If we are going to just let the players decide the game, why have refs? Just so they cal call high sticking penalties? Mike Modano hits an Avalanche player in the shoulder with his stick, and the referee has no qualms about calling it immediately. Why is high-sticking not subjected to the decision making process?
Personally, I think that the whole "let the players decide it" argument is bullshit. We see the results of letting the players decide it every day, with the clutching and grabbing in the neutral zone. It is ruining the game slowly but surely.
I love the game of hockey more than most sports. I believe it the purest sport out there, but one of the most basic parts of any sport is the RULES that the players need to abide by. If picks were made illegal at one point, it is because one team or person was gaining an advantage from it. If we aren't calling the rules of the game as defined, then there is no point for the rule, which means the sport is inherently flawed. If I could cheat in checkers, then I would win every time. But I can't. I have to play within the context of the rules. All that I ask is that a competitor is mandated to play within the defined rules of the game.
Is that so wrong?