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Old 04-14-2004, 04:14 AM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Pa, USA
Does anyone here follow boxing?

Heya everyone.

Lately, I have started to become more interested in boxing than usual, and I guess I can credit a large part of the reason to EA's Fight Night 2004.

I used to watch boxing as a child when it was still aired on "non-premium" TV, but since haven't been able to catch many fights.

That being said, I would like to follow the sport more and keep up on things, and was hoping you may be able to help me out via answers to a few questions I had.

I'm a big fan of lists, so I will pose my questions through one.
  • 1) Do you know of, or frequent, any good boxing news sites? Boxing sites in general?

    2) Do you subscribe to, or read, any good boxing-related magazines. In a quick search I came across Boxing Monthly, but it appears to be published overseas, and thus has a pricey ($88 per year) subscription fee. Are there any American mags that are respectable? If not, any affordable European ones?

    3) Are you able to catch any boxing on TV, and if yes, where? Currently, we don't get HBO, and I guess that eliminates most of chances of seeing a fight, short of paying the PPV money... But I was curious if there are any other stations that show boxing matches?

    4) Do you think boxing will regain popularity in America? For me personally, its following seems to have lowered.. Is this the case, and if yes, will it bounce back?

Answers to all or any of the above questions would be great. I'd like to get back "into" the sport, and would really appreciate some guidance.

Also, if you are a boxing fan and own a console, Fight Night 2004 is a very good game. It isn't a button-masher and it represents the sport of boxing very well.

Thanks and take care.
"Yes, I rather like this God fellow. He's very theatrical, you know, a pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence. Gotta get me some of that." -Stewie
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