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Old 04-12-2004, 10:01 PM   #20 (permalink)
qtpye4u84's Avatar
Location: oregon
once you lose a friend like that its hard to get them back. I had a best friend and one year she said she wanted new friends so i stopped haning out with her(bad idea) and then because of that she never hung out with me either so now I wish i would not of done that I love her and like her but I know I am never going to see her or even talk to her again its been a year now.
So if you never want to see him again and thats fine with you then go ahead, To me it kinda hurts. Once you lose something like that you cant get it back I dont know if that it true but to me it is.
A way to make him not want the girls you like is dont talk to him about the girls until she is your girl friend(then he might try to talk them into dumping you and if so I guess you should not be his friend) that is what I had to do with one of my firend cause she wanted the guys that only other ppl liked cause she though that they were hotter cause other ppl like them it is weird but some ppl find ppl that are liked by others more desireable.
to me real friends would not date there best friends ex girl friend.
The QTpie
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