It ain't the punchline's fault... I think the set-up is a wee bit wonky... when she says <i>"Every time I get even a small cut, it takes days for the bleeding to stop."</i> I am left thinking of the length of time ("days") it takes her to heal a cut, rather than the quantity of blood lost.
So when the doctor responds <i>"And how much do you lose when..."</i>, it is not immediately clear that he's concerned with quantity of blood, which would have given impending punchline more of a pop, or something.
Having said all that, I'm an idiot for trying to analyse a joke. I know. You could, I guess, apply algebra to a Picasso, but jeez, where's the fun in that.
And I got a chuckle out of the joke anyway. Thanks (and sorry) <b>Glad</b>!