Thanks to the illicit wonders of the intarweb I've been able to listen to this (the album name is "Everybody Loves A Happy Ending"). Smith and Orzabal are in fact reunited and I don't think it is purely monetarily motivated. Although I can't help but think that the success of Gary Jules' (crappy) cover of "Mad World" has something to do with a new release.
The album is good though, and I give it a 3.5 out of 5. Smith's distinct voice is slightly different but not in a bad way. I suppose twenty years of aging will do something to a singer's voice. The heavy synth-driven pieces are gone (I did like those) but the familiar melancholy and catchy choruses are still there. After only a couple of listens, the songs "Closest Thing To Heaven" and "Who Killed Tangerine?" have caught my hear. One of these will surely be played to death on easy-listening stations unfortunately.