While mine is no where near as bad as yours, I have just begun to feel very under-appreciated in my job.
I bust my ass, everyday. I'm never late, whereas the boss is always strolling in 30 minutes to an hour an a half late every day. When I'm not going to be in the next day (Weds I have off) I make sure the cash float is done and ready for him. I don't get the same consideration so I scramble some mornings to get the cash while I have customers coming into the store in the morning.
When I say I bust my ass, I mean I don't stop working. From opening to close, I am on the floor helping customers, carrying purchases to people's cars, running the cash register, dealing with incoming merchandise, answering phone calls and managing volunteer employees. I don't get 15 minute breaks, hell I never get 30 minutes for lunch. I wait until it slows down in the store and I furiously chomp down a couple bites of an apple or a sandwich when I get a chance or get out for a cigarette a couple times which I never get to finish.
Now, normally I had no problem with this. Keep the pace up and the day goes by pretty fast. But now that my efforts have apparently gone unnoticed, it's starting to get to me and I started to realize it last Saturday.
On Friday, I smashed my knee pretty bad after work. Saturday I go limping in. I may have called in, but it's a busy day and I didn't want to screw over my boss when he had a bunch of stuff to do (Large shipment of merchandise that had to be inventoried) Well, I made a few mistakes. Nothing major just things not done to his perfection. Near the end of the day, a customer was mad because the thought he had claim to one of our items. He was totally in the wrong but I decided to let it go and not argue with him or the boss in front of everyone. Later, I'm not allowed to explain the situation, the boss didn't even want to hear it. I shouldn't have even gone it with my knee all swelled up, but I did...to help him.
So all this week, the boss is in a shitty mood. And what's even more pathetic, he's acting like a 12 year old giving me "The Silent Treatment." And he's carefully analyzing every thing I'm doing under a microscope. It's like everything I have done for the last year means nothing.
Sorry if that was long. I've been holding that in for awhile.
/end rant
So now I'm going to look for another job. So you are definitely not alone in this Coll Storm.