Hesistant Question
I've been thinking about things a lot lately. There have been lots of major changes in my life within the past few months. One of the most recent and biggest was moving to Manhattan, KS to live with my boyfriend. We've been together for over a year and I love him more than anything! But it seems that the longer I am here the less inclined he is to spend time with me or have sex. I can understand the time thing, now that we see each other everyday living together. But I am beginning to think something is wrong with me and my sex drive! I want it at least once a day if not more and he seems to be okay only having sex every few days. Another more recent concern is with the move, I don't yet have a place to get my birth control for this next month and so soon the whole sex thing might not matter. But knowing my boyfriend, as soon as that happens or as soon as I am on my period he is going to want some! I might be over analyzing (sometimes I do that when I get worried) or I might just be really emotional since my period is very close! But I was wondering if anyone had any advice to offer of any kind! It would be very welcome! Thanks!
Oh yeah and I have had a lot of things on my mind lately like the whole job hunt, and bill worries! So I might be over-reacting! And another thought crossed my mind that has been plaguing me. I was wondering if I might be pregnant. Right now is not the best time in my life for that and I don't really have the money to go buy a test. I have been stressing a lot about that too and haven't said anything to him. I don't want to worry him and then have nothing wrong! Any signs I might look for? Any tips?
Thanks bunches!
Cain: I know what you're doing. I've lead troops into battle before.
DG: And, how am I doing?
Cain: Well, there's less *hugging* when I do it