This guy is a total jerk/manipulator. You absolutely want nothing to do with him. Anybody that would say the things he said is only after the conquest and not the relationship. Quick history here. My parents were swingers. I was exposed to sex early and have a very open mind about it. I had 7 or 8 partners while still in high school and ended up with over 50 by the end of college. I had done threesomes mfm and fmf. I had messed around with girls up to 10 years older than me, etc. When I met my wife, she was almost the same as you except she was 21 and still a virgin. After the 2nd date, I knew I had met the one. We got married roughly a year after we had met. I waited for her the entire time while still having all of this sexual history. If you hold those values, don't give them up to some player. You will only regret it.