First of all, if he's pressuring you like that in the beginning. It's all he wants. It's a game, a conquest, if you will.
You are a great person, and the one thing you have, that you can give to the one you love, is yourself. You are right to value that, and you have fantastic will.
Are you really attracted to him ? Why ?
You know he's a ladies man, you know he's gotten what he's wanted from all these other girls. The fact that he keeps something is just tacky, and to make it worse, he tells you about it ? As if his accomplishments will make you swoon ? Geez.
Anyway, you're doing the right thing. Stay strong, class will be tough, but get through it. Ignore him, when necessary, laugh at him and tell him that there is absolutely no way you will be with him. Now that you've let him go, he's panicing, he's losing control, and he's not used to it.
Stay firm, and you will succeed. This man will not make you happy.
He who is void of virtuous attachments in private life is, or very soon will be, void of all regard for his country.
There is seldom an instance of a man guilty of betraying his country, who had not before lost the feeling of moral obligations in his private connections.
-Samuel Adams