Originally posted by Jizz-Fritter
Not caring what other people think is the point of the movie Adaptation. Watch it.
Just finished watching it based on your suggestion. There's a quote in the movie that I think really speaks to this topic.
“You are what you love, not what loves you.”
I’ve been giving this confidence thing a lot of thought lately. Coincidently, I’ve been thinking about starting a thread about it too. I’ve also been giving a lot of thought to what rainheart said. I think his best advice is stated:
Originally posted by rainheart
As far as personal matters go, you should recognize that the best solution for you is the solution that fits with who you are [/B]
I too find that my confidence on occasion is like a rollercoaster and it always seems to wander when I concern myself with other people’s opinions. For me, I think the solution is to become indifferent to these things. Ultimately, I can’t control what others think of me. I think focusing on the things that make me feel good about myself is going to raise my confidence.
Good luck in your searches dualman7.