Originally posted by tarman
Seeing as how you were in a similar situation you might be able to help me some. Do you think things could have worked out had they just talked about it or would they have gone south anyway? Do you still love him? And finally, where is he now?
I think that over time things would have eventually gone south regardless. I had too much to deal with and wasn't focusing on a relationship with him in the same way he was with me.
I still have feelings for him, but that doesn't mean we should be together. It hurts me sometimes because I really do care, but I realize that you can love someone and not be with them simply because it wouldn't work.
He's still around and someone I consider a very good friend. I feel bad that I hurt him and after reading what you've said...I realize I must exercise caution with him. I'm with someone else now and I know that has to be painful for him, but I think he understands that I'm just trying to find happiness...the same as everyone else.