Originally posted by tarman
...I thought things were going great until she told me she needed some time to work on herself. I wish I could say I was supportive of her decision but I was just so afraid of losing her to someone else so.. I kept pushing for something more....
...Did I mention that she also fell in love with someone else during the months?...
...I'm not exactly sure where I stand with her now...
No offense intended, son, but I think she played you.
That whole bullshit about her needing time to
"work on herself" was a lame excuse for her to tell you to take a hike. And your persistance in trying to get something more out of it only served to make matters worse.
That woman never loved you... she only said so to feed your ego and lull you into a false sense of security. Trust me, son... you're much better off without her, so do yourself a favor and keep her out of your mind.
I apologize if I sound too harsh and cruel, but the truth is that you weren't enough of a challenge to her, and women are turned off by men who don't offer a challenge.