Another quandary to split your heads over
Hi all. Another new guy here.
I'm sorry in advance if this has been done a million times before but I really feel the need to get it off my chest. I've also seen some of the great advice thats been given out and hope to recieve the same here.
I'm in a bit of a predicament. You see, I met this girl a year ago and we just sort of clicked. At least I believe we did. We did just about everything together and I felt like I could tell her anything about myself. A feeling I was just really new to. I know I loved her and I know she loved me. I honestly believe that our feelings for each other are true. It may sound silly... but I do believe that she's the one. I thought things were going great until she told me she needed some time to work on herself. I wish I could say I was supportive of her decision but I was just so afraid of losing her to someone else so.. I kept pushing for something more. Something I regret to this day. She later told me that she didn't feel the same way about me anymore(because of all the pushing) and that all she wanted now was to be friends, something I didn't take very well. We remained friends but it was really awkward for me because I still felt the same way about her. And so months passed.
She recently revealed that she never really stopped loving me and the reason why she said she didn't love me was because she just wanted to do what she thought was right for me. Did I mention that she also fell in love with someone else during the months? She thinks that it was a bad idea to tell me about it but I'm sort of glad she did. You can't leave anything to chance, right?She still loves him and remains to be in that relationship and I think she still loves me( she won't really tell me if she does or not anymore because of the whole it was bad to tell you how I feel part). I'm not exactly sure where I stand with her now. I'm pretty much at a loss here. I still love her more than anything and she means the world to me but if she doesn't feel the same way then what am I supposed to do?
thoughts? advice? questions?
p.s. im sorry if im not making much sense. i blame sleep deprivation