Originally posted by smooth
He didn't have to apologize, he chose to after he realized that some people were offended. I think that was a good response--no one forced or told him to do it, he's just polite.
Yeah, and I liked the wording of the apology too. "I apologize to anyone who may have been offended." The headline is actually wrong: he didn't apologize for wearing the wig. He apologized to anyone who may have been offended. Big difference.
It's not like he said, "I'm so sorry I put that wig on. If I could do it all over again, it'd be different. Oh GOD! Please, please forgive me. I know now that afro wigs are WRONG, Oh so Terribly WRONG! Boooo ho hoooo...."
His apology had a nice, measured tone that didn't take away at all from the fun and silliness of the event. I say he handled it well.