I got through them. They read slow, then something happens, then it drags again.
Tad Williams is pretty good, but he could've cut 500 pages out of the 2800, or so, that the 4 books make up. For me, I got tired of our cast being lost in YET ANOTHER, strange fantasy world in Otherland. Yep, they're in there...no new info...they're still lost...yup...it's wierd...ho hum...oh no! watch out, the river took them to...suprise!...another strange place they can't figure out. A thousand pages of that was enough. I was glad when the damn thing ended.
Oddly enough, I liked the book (it's one story spread across 4 books, hence-"book") enough to finish it. I just can't recommend them. I feel they lose momentum. However, if you're looking for a story that can pause the storyline for hundreds of pages, or you're a fan of daytime soaps, this could be for you.
Seriously, if he could have cut 800-1000 pages, I'd have been all for it. You'd still be talking about 2000 pages. That's bloody enough.
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."
Last edited by billege; 04-05-2004 at 03:14 PM..