I can definitely relate. Only on a much greater scale.
My best friend (supposedly) of the last 22 years has continuously blocked me on just about every opportunity that wandered my way. Any woman I even vaguely expressed an interest in became an immediate target for him. I have let it slide for years due to the fact that whenever the chips are down, he is always there. The only exception to this seems to be women.
However, given your situation, I would bail on the freak. Not even out of spite, but simply because its just not worth your stress and aggrivation to be associated with someone who is going to abuse your trust as badly as this guy apparently has. Seperate physically and the rest will fall into place.
Veritas en Lux!
Jimmy The Hutt
Think Jabba, only with more hair and vestigal legs....
"This isn't a nightmare, its real. Nightmare's end."