So youre in a kind of wife swapping thing???
thats pretty old school and I havent heard of one of those that ever went right. Not to be rude or pessimistic but I dont see it working out for alot of reasons. the first being if there are kids involved how would they cope with knowing that you all are sleeping together. and with if by chance your bf ends up impregnating the other woman ?
will you be happy with knowing another woman has had a child by your man? and if those other people have kids themselves then inevitably there will come a time when an argument will come up and the words well they arent really your kids will come up. and when the woman is pregnant the man may gravitate towards you more for sex leaving your bf out of the loop. and what about our neigghbors and freinds and the town in general.
Im sure many dont mind who does what kind of kinky stuff but what you all are deciding to do isnt a small time fling kind of deal. and manyy will be offended and against your life choices. all in all I wish you all luck in what you decide to do but 4 people living toggether with sex between each other and add kids to the mix is a big time recipe for disaster. but you may pull i off who knows. in the you all need to sit down and write out the pros and cons and your fears and hopes for this whole situaition and then talk about it.