I was once quite anti chivalry.
"One should treat everyone as equals."
I was wrong.
Chivalry, properly used, isn't all that important. It is a minor extension of politeness, unequally applied between men and women.
It doesn't nessecarily mean being a doormat.
What changed my mind is I actually realized that men and women aren't equal. Men are physically stronger. It is a minor and unimportant difference: in this day and age, who really cares how much you can lift?
Take a man and a woman. Have them work to improve their physical strength. Due to biology, the man will end up stronger, and won't have to put as much effort into it to get to that point.
It isn't fair.
Chivalry, done properly, is a minor and unimportant deference given to females. Biology gives men a minor and unimportant advantage to men in the form of more physical strength.
Even steven.
Less cerebrally, Chivalry means I can do something minor for someone without it being awkward or against social mores. And doing things for people makes me feel all fuzzy and happy-happy. So, every excuse I can find is a good thing. =)
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.