I have the feeling that the killer knew her.
This wasn't a girl picked up off the street like in the case of Holly Jones, this was a guy who came into the house. He knew she was there.
Her parents had been running this pseudo rooming house in their home. At the time of the crime, they had five (5) boarders living with them paying rent. Apparently there have been literally hundreds of former boarders who lived there with that family at one time or another.
I'm sorry, but when you have kids, you don't do that kind of crap. They should have been worried more about their daughter's safety and less about money.
I am not saying that they are to blame, I am saying that her parents lacked judgement. I bet one of those guys who lived there took her with the intent of ransoming her, and when the thing got reported to the cops and the cops turned up the heat, this asshole murdered her.
I feel so sad for this little girl and the terror that she must have suffered at his hands. It's very sad.