At first I thought this was a good start for a beginner in HTML, but then I saw you are using Frontpage. Anyone who can drag and drop can make a webpage then. I'm surprised yours is the best in the class if you are using Frontpage. Frontpage requires no skills at all

But, you wanted some constructive criticism, so Drag & Drop your way to perfection using these suggestions
Take out the blue text on the hyperlinks; it makes my eyes hurt!
Take out ALL of the animations, they are super cheesy.
Make a side bar to put the links at, instead of being at random parts of the page.
Put some graphics in there, but not too many.
Take out the scrolling "fear" thing. Cheesy
No offense, but I can't believe a "web development class" at your school is letting you use Frontpage! That's not how to make webpages, that's how to make AOL pages
I'd tell the teacher to drop the bullshit and break out the tags.
Take everything I've said with a grain of salt. It's my constructive criticism, not my bashing.
EDIT: Man I've fucked this thread up. Mods, delete that last post. I tried putting in some Style Sheet code to show this guy how to do it, and it applied it to the whole page. Sorry