Originally posted by sal_alvarado85
I was just wanting some advice, I have liked this girl for a long a while now but I have never acted on my feelings because we have a big age difference. She is 5 years older than me, even with the age difference I feel that we are on pretty much the same level, as i like to think of myself mature for my age. Well me and her talk almost everyday and most of the time she is the one who calls me, but i still am not sure of her feelings. At times i just want my feelings for her to go away but i cannot. We hang out alot but never really talked about anything close to a relationship. I fear that I have gone into the gray area in which i just am the guy friend she can trust. Any advice in either how to make my feelings go away or whether i should act upon my feelings and just go for it?
I dunno how things work in your culture, but back home in Haiti women are terribly prejudiced against younger men. If that's anything like where I'm from then she probably considers you only as a friend and wouldn't consider dating you.
However, if she can look past your age and see you and a person independent of your chronological age then I'd say she
may be interested. Nevertheless it is better to err on the side of caution and assume she's not interested rather than let your feelings be known and get shot down with the whole
"I like you more as a friend" bullshit women feed us when they turn us down but want to keep us around as a shoulder to cry on.