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Old 03-24-2004, 09:02 AM   #26 (permalink)
Wehret Den Anfängen!
Location: Ontario, Canada
I am not an American so I don't know what policies are what, but can someone explain the difference between foreign policies which are agreed on or not between the U.S and other countries and how or why the U.S can decide who becomes a sovereign independent country or not? As redundant as it may sound,isn't that what the U.N is for?
The USA has a massive military presence near Taiwan, making a military attack by China... dangerous.

As such, those protected by the USA might want to know the position of the USA on an issue, as might China.

Be interesting if China has the balls to DO anything if Tiawan decides to vote anyways.
You have an interesting critiria for "interesting". "Bloody fucking frightening" is more how I would describe it.

Of course we will defend them, so I doubt China will do anything if they are smart, its not time for them to threaten WWIII, they aren't ready yet.
What do you mean, of course? Are you willing to die for Taiwan?

And in a war between China and the USA, I'd expect massive civilian casualties in the continental USA. It would be a war like none the US has ever fought. Body counts that would make WWII look like a picnic.

The USA doesn't have the balls to die for Taiwan.

I'm just not certain China does either.

No direct war between two nuclear powers has ever happened. The world will be pretty fucked if two powers the strength of USA and China come to blows.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.
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