I work at a jewellers that does mostly custom work. You should be able to get a very nice eng ring for $5,000. I would highly suggest for your center stone, you try and find a used diamond from a private party (make sure you have it appraised by a graduated gemologist first) or find someone who has a connection with a diamond dealer. When you buy a stone you are simply giving the store 2/3's of what the payed on average. The diamond market is ridicoulous after buying the stone you would be lucky to get .20 cents on the dollar if you turned around and sold it in the next day.
If you can get a good center stone you can take it to a Jeweller's or Gold Smiths and have them design a setting for you based on some ideas you may have. I would also recomend that you ensure they do all the work on site (casting, setting, finishing) as you will pay more if they don't and are contracting out the work.