I really enjoyed the film. Sprinting Zombies were fucking nutz. The whole movie was well put toghether. It was a FUN movie for a remake. Action , gore, gun, some great corney humour.
The ending was pretty sweet to. The credits were badass. How many movies have shit happen at the credits? Not many.
I really wanted to see the baby fly out and bite that fucker on the neck. :>
Anyways go and enjoy the movie for what it is. Gore, Action.
But it will never compare to cult classics.
Edit: Calling out Celeberties and gunning em down was brilliant. Burt Renyolds looked more like Bruce Cambell thou :> Ash all the way! Few great Chainsaw scenes that were sweet.
Last edited by Cardinal Syn; 03-20-2004 at 03:12 PM..