twister: i've actually allowed mandrake to auto-allocate the size of the partition on a pc that was running windows xp, slackware 9.1, and college linux. it worked a few times, but then lilo geeked out on me (i still have no idea what happened to this day, i was forced to reformat because i couldn't load any os). i've had great success with just a dualboot of mandrake and xp, or mandrake and one other os. i haven't tried it with more than one other os since it crashed lilo, it's way too much trouble.
btw, community is just the beta??? no wonder i'm having so many problems with it. i like the fact that it's got a ton of the same shit as 9.2, but had i known that the "official" release was going to be in may, i would've waited. so, does anyone know who to submit the debugging information to? i'm a big enough mandrake fan that i definately want to help improve the os in any way i can