Maybe I am lazy and stupid....but I fail to see why this thread has gone from an intersting discussion on the lagality of immigration status, to a series of insults directed at each other.
Here is an attenpt to resume the topic:
Should an individual cross the borders into a country, they are expected to abide by the laws and customs of the place they willingly migrated to. This is simply commom sense.
Should said individual feel these laws or customs do not meet the criteria they have for happiness, or productivity, they are free to migrate elsewhere. These laws and customs are in place at the request of the residents of said country, and if the migrant wishes them to change they must gain the rights of citizenship and WORK for this change.
Legal citizenship is in place for a reason, and with it come certain rights and responsibilities, it is by no means a minor part of any society, and must be "granted" by the governing entity of that society.
Illegal immigration is just that,illegal. Not legal. Against the law.
Granting the rights of citizenship, to non-citizens, would make the term citizen, and all that it entails irrellevent.
While I realize it is not easy to gain these rights and responsibilities for all who make the attempt, that does not make the attempt futile or unneccessary.
I was born to these resposibilities, and rights. I am lucky in this regard and likely do not understand the trials of having to gain citizenship, That is why we have laws to govern the proccess.
If one wants to become a part of this society, which is based on lawful participation. Do not start off by unlawfully avoiding this participation
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha