3DSMAX problems
I was hoping some computer buffs could help me out with my problem. I fool around in 3Dsmax, and good fun is had, until I close the program. It's almost as if it were still running- memory is still loaded down and my system crawls until I restart. My system is not really meant for graphics intensive programs, but it's not too shabby and it does the job. Until of course I close the program, where my system slows down a ridiculous rate and I can't get any other work done. This is stupid, and i'm hoping there is a better fix than to restart the computer. Help!
System Specs:
family Untel 2532 Mhz processsor
512 Mb of DDR? RAM
Windows XP, current
60Gb HD
14Gb HD
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim