Originally posted by lordjeebus
For all we know (because I don't think you could prove it), homosexuality could be not error but biologically evolved for the survival of the species as a whole.
Very interesting hypothesis. I thought about it and I'm not convinced. First off, there are lots of population checks set up in nature. If a population gets too big, predators have an easier time eating members of it, and the population goes down, for instance. Second, several species of monkeys/apes have shown homosexual behavior despite the fact that they're severely endangered.
I also have a problem with the idea that we should look the other way when 50-cent makes his obviously derogatory comments because "he's one guy" or "he's a moron" and we should crucify Dr. Laura for stating her beliefs in a non-derogatory manner. Just because 50-cent is an idiot doesn't mean that he is not responsible for his words.
Furthermore, have you guys ever actually heard Dr. Laura speak? Hell, if all she says about homosexuals is that they're deviant and a biological error, she's being downright benign. She's made a career out of insulting and berating her callers into doing "the right thing." I don't see the problem here. She stated her opinion, which was based in much more logic than "I don't like faggots just because" and people destroyed her. That's ridiculous.