It's completely another to use that as ammunition for castigating an entire population and denying them basic rights
Specifically what basic rights is she attempting to deny homosexuals. It's no big secret that Dr. Laura's politics are fundamentally rooted in the importance of the nuclear family (is that the right word - been a long time since i was in school, ya know, mother father children).
I guess i can therefore understand why homosexuals saw her as a threat, because (and what more appropriate time to bring this up), any ligitimate argument for the benefits of this type of family would be in direct opposition gay marriage. I'm going out on a limb here but i'm sure most of you have heard the story about the 6 year old bringing home a book from school about the two gay princes who marry and kiss at the end, and I'm sure Dr. Laura probably wouldn't agree with that either - not sure that's a basic right of that community.
All i'm saying is i used to have an hour commute to work for about two years, and getting bored of the FM, i switched to AM and listened to her every day for two years. I've heard her describe her thoughts on homosexuality and NEVER was she denying them basic rights. Her thoughts, as said before, were rooted in defense of the nuclear family.
She's probalby more or a threat because she makes a point, a point you may not agree with, but a thoughtfull point that didn't deserve to get her kicked off the air.
I'd still like to see a direct quote where she denyed anyone their basic rights. If 50 cent would have been shot once MAYBE, MAYBE!!, i would concede he was "mistreated." That dudes been shot 9 frickin times, he's proud of every one........he's nothing but worthless homophobic idiot - but i'm not gonna deny him his right to rap whatever he raps, just won't be buying any of his albums for my nephews anytime soon.
...and i was really curious how these actions would have been defended by the left. I can't really say i'm surprised but the whole "as long as blantent bigotry is the result of complete ignorance, it's nothing to shake a stick at, it's an opportunity" is a bit ironic.
And i respectfully request that no one take any cheap shots at my saying in the previous post ".....it's been awhile since i've been in school."