A girl running away from a guy in a mask will pick up a big stick and hit him but when the bad guy goes down she will drop the stick and continue running histerically.
The main bad guy in a martial arts movie is invincible until the hero makes his comeback from near death. At that stage even the most pussy hit will do devastating damage.
The main bad guy in a martial arts movie will have perfect technique under the most stressfull time but after the hero makes his post comeback arse whipping he abbandons everything for a screaming running charge.
The female love interest has to be useless but may either be the damsel in distress or a stroppy femanist.
The hero can be getting his arse kicked by 5 guys but still able to stop the 1 guy chasing after the love interest.
During a dance everyone miraculously knows the same moves though it is a spontaneous dance.
Any car that is being overtaken by a cyclist can still make screechy noises during a chase.