need ALL of your input
Some of you have been extremelyy helpful to me, with my senior thesis documentary, but now I am asking for all of you to throw me a bone.
I am doing a documentary on Senior anxiety in college. Basically, I will illustrate the lives of three students, who are all getting set to graduate, but have nothing to do after college. They spent four years learning a proffesion, and now may never get a chance to do it. I have also gotten two faculty members who have agreed to be interviewed.
If any of you could recommend some open ended questions I could ask these faculty that would relate to my documentary, that would be awesome. Heck, submit some questions even for students, maybe they will add another angle to the story. If I use your question or idea in my piece, I will put your name in the credits, and upload the piece to you so you could see that your ideas actually went for a good cause.
LASTLY, about two weeks ago, I heard someone talka bout a poll, which read something like 60% of college students think they will be millionaires, and 2% end up being so. I would love to use that statistic in my pieve, but can't find the official poll anywhere. You'd be saving a life if you could pint me to it's direction, or tell me you heard it also.
Thanks for any input.