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Old 03-17-2004, 03:58 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Central Illinois
Internet Friends

Today my mom asked about the out of area cell phone call on the caller id. This call happened to come from an online friend of mine that's I've been talking to for about a year and a half or so.

He's only my friend, and I turn to him for things that bother me, and yet she's freaking out trying. Okay, I understand that she doesn't want me to move a thousand miles away again, and I never intend to do something like that again. But it's not like I've told them where I live (with the exception of state) they couldn't come find me if they tried. And she's trying to tell me that ALL the people I talk to online are perverts and that all they want are to be rapists.

I, personally, feel this is rediculous, and that she is making too big a deal out of this. It may be true for some of them, but I have found that most people online are not like that, and it is true that I have come across some pretty sick people online but most aren't like that.

And I am cautious when I talk to people online, I don't hand out personal information right off the bat. Most people I talk to online don't even know my real first name.

I just wanted to hear everyone else's opinion on talking to people online and giving out a number. If you have any personal experiences please share them.
Your part is silent you little toad - a line from the new phantom of the opera
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