Originally posted by ARTelevision
Agreed. Like probably every other politics board out there, this one is dysfunctional. Perhaps it's less so than most. Perhaps not.
In any event, it's not terribly satisfying posting here for anyone it seems - except for those who are infatuated with the sound of their own typing.
i dunno, this may be the case for the majority, but i have been impressed by posters who do seem to change their minds and concede points when good points are made. truly, that is the most impressive character trait that anyone can have - the willingness to accept ideas outside their own. i love the tfp community because of the seemingly higher number of people like that here.
true arrogance is believing that you are right all the time and know more or better than anyone else. i liken it to when my wife asked me if she was the woman of my dreams, and i told her that i thanked god she wasn't - since my dreams could never have conceived of someone as wonderful as she is. or as shakespeare said, "more things in heaven and earth than in your philosophy, horatio..."
in the frame of this discussion about conservatives/right wingers not finding the tfp politics forum a "fun" place, perhaps it is appropriate to say that conservativism is welcome here, but this community will always challenge narrow-mindedness and intolerance.