Originally posted by fuzyfuzer
i have to put in that conservative do tend to be more united behind key issues than many liberals i think it is because liberals tend to want a lot of change and the changes they want are usually different and they want a differnet path that unites them to the same end
i don't know much about UStwo's responses because i am new here but this maybe a misconception
just trying my best to be bypardisan
My perception has been that conservatives tend to lump everyone they disagree with as left-wing, regardless of whether they are Democrats, socialists, or communists. Even independents are sometimes lumped into "our" camp on some issues. Each of us believe in different paths to a liberal society (that is, one characterized by rational thought and a power based derived from the population rather than elites/rules), but that doesn't mean you should aggregate us into one composite whole and conclude that our lack of cohesion is a flaw or impediment. We
aren't a group opposite your beliefs--we each belong to distinct ideological groups in their own right.