I would like to give you the perfect manual how to deal with this situation, but unfortunately, i don't think we can do this...
In my private experience... i've always had a lot of difficulties with this situation... I 'm not good at keeping a good relation with previous "lovers", mostly because 1) i feel akward being around them and having to approach them in a totally different way then you're used to do... 2) there are always emotions left, either on my side, either on the other side, which can make confrontations difficult...
I guess the important thing to do, is never stop talking to each other. When you feel hurt, or bad, or you blame him for something whatsoever, you have to talk about it, and not keep it all inside... Honesty is important not only in a love-relation, but also in a friendship; especially friendships AFTER love-relation...
Well, i'm just guessing here, I'm actually the last person that should be preaching about this!
Good luck to you!!!