i'm done for a while also...
i love TFP and discussing issues with all of you guys, but that just isn't what is taking place on this board for now. i've felt myself get hot-headed on a few threads, so that is a signal that i am sometimes no better.
my right-leaning bias is apparent and, admittedly, affects nearly all of my posts. i have no issue with those who choose to lean the other way. the problem lies with people posting poorly researched information and confusing their agenda with facts.
this will be very superior sounding, but it is a pure waste of time to discuss an issue with someone who isn't committed to the same level of intellectual honesty and fact-checking. if i sound like an arrogant blowhard for making that critical observation, then so be it.
i know i'll be back, but i'm certainly taking a break. the weather is too beautiful outside... and i'm told the fish are biting.
i love TFP and i'll do my part and re-evaluate the way i make my persuasive approach... i'm sure i'll see ya around.