Originally posted by KnifeMissle
I think, in this case, it's not just your body.
For instance, is it legal to get an abortion, say, 4 weeks before the expected birth? No, it isn't. This is already law so should repeal it, you think? Her body, her choice... right?
Depends on when you think life begins. If you want to debate that i might refer you to do a search for any one of the thousand threads here that attempt to hammer out a solution to that dilemma.
Regardless, it is her body. I guess i'm not aware of any law on the books that allows doctors to force surgical procedures upon unwilling patients. Perhaps that is what you're proposing? Her body, doctor's choice? Barring such a law, it is her body her choice.
Besides, if she really wanted to kill her baby she could've "accidentally" fallen on her stomach. There are many ways to terminate a pregnancy and/or cause still birth. Not all of them are necessarily deliberate acts. Do you think it is a good idea to start prosecuting every woman whose stillborn child could've been saved?