Originally posted by hiredgun
But I digress. Pregnancy, like parenthood, is a responsibility. The risk of pregnancy (sexual intercourse) is undertaken voluntarily, and on top of that, abortions are still legal for those who don't want this responsibility.
You're aware that many fundamentalists want to remove the right of a woman who was raped to have an abortion, right?
This utah law is a camel-nose-under-the-tent to make abortion illegal. The Bush administration has been pushing for "rights for the unborn" since he took office. There is more to this case that just this woman.
This is standard tactic when trying to push a particular agenda (both on the conservative and liberal sides). Pick an extreme, totally reprehensible target, like a child molestor, and use that case to justify a law that the public probably wouldn't have otherwise supported.
My wife has had a c-section, and I think those of you who haven't been through it don't realize exactly what is done. A c-section absolutely puts the woman's life at risk because it involves sedation, which is always a risk. While I personally would find someone making the choice to risk their child to avoid a c-section disgusting, I *fully* support the right of every woman to voluntarily make that choice.
I also fully support home births, even though the data shows that they are slightly more risky than a hospital birth. By the standards applied in this case, women choosing a home birth who lose their child should be prosecuted.