1. Where on earth can you find Belgium anyway?
Beyond the valley of the dorks
2. What is the official language of Belgium?
Dutch, French & German
3. What's the capital of Belgium?
4. How many people live there?
Close to 10 million
5. Name 3 famous beers from Belgium
Duvel, Kriek & Kwak
6. How about 3 famous athletes, sportsmen/women?
Vandamme, Merx, Fredje Burggrave
7. Name 3 famous foods from Belgium
Only one you really need to know: Belgian andive AKA (for the locals) witloof
8. Approximately how many brands of beer are there in Belgium?
More than a hundred I have tasted, but don't know the exact number
9. Name one bad thing about Belgium (this one should be easy, so go all out if you want )
Steve Stevaert
10. Are gay marriages allowed in Belgium?
11. Is weed legal in Belgium?
No, but you won't get prosecuted for holding about 5 grams of the stuff - it's tolerated for personal use
12. What side of the road do they drive on in Belgium?
Right, if sober
13. Exactly what was the function of Belgium during WW 2 ?
We kind of lost it in a couple of days
14. Belgium is at the core and the co-founder of what big organisation?
NATO & the EU starting with BLUE moving up to Benelux and EGKS
15. What exactly is a "belgian compromise" ?
The thing that keeps us from becoming another Youguslavia