mci avi question
I recently found one of my favorite old cd's..."Country Vid Grid." I'm not too wild about most of the songs, but I like the puzzle process, which divides the screen into grids which you then click on and move into their proper place, kind of like one of those old sliding tiles children games.
Anyway, I'm running Windows XP on a Dell PC and the CD plays the videos, but cannot scramble them. The error message comes up saying the mci_avi drive will not allow the procedure.
I have no idea where to start. I ran a check on the mciavi drive and it's listed as being there, but I don't know how to run a diagnostic to check it.
Do I need to reload that part of Windows? Is it possible to fix this? Am I forever doomed to watch "The Mavericks" sing "Crying Shame" without having their faces in the wrong places?
Always question authority... it'll keep the bastards on their toes!