Hold on....I am hearing alot of talk about a what the guy wants, and what the mistress wants and what is desrved to the current wife, etc...etc...
Let's not forget the main victim here. The kids. There has not been alot of talk about them. I have seen this happen WAY too many times. I have a friend who has gone through a divorce that devastated their kids. the divorce happened 5 years ago. one child now has a learning disability and has issues with authority. The other has become extremely introverted and won't talk to anyone.
I know there are some reasons that just can't be helped and a divorce is the only answer, but take into consideration how this could devastate your children.
Don't think that it won't have any affect on them, because it will...
They are the innocent bystandards.
My advise to you...
First and foremost get rid of the damn mistress...if you need to get laid, spend some cash and fly to Vegas and get some no-string-attached action.
Be upfront with your wife and tell her what is making you unhappy... I know that you went through therapy and all, but you need to make every last ditch effort to provide your kids with a STABLE family atmosphere. Your kids did nothing to deserve this, regardless of what differences you and your wife might have.
Your kids are depending on the family's stability to properly mature and grow. I think that before any other responsibilities, you have a responsibility to them.
I am in no way saying that you should stay married for the sake of the kids, but I AM saying, that you need to ask yourself, "How bad is it REALLY?"
You married your wife, that was your decision and your commitment.
You had children, again your choice and your commitment.
Now you have made your decisions and you have to live up to the consequences of your actions, and along with that comes some MAJOR responsibilities. Your kids are innocent and did not have any input into these decisions you have made, is this fair to them?
Sorry to be so harsh...I just think that there are bigger issues here than the issue between you and your wife.
Well, that is just my rant and rave....Does anyone else have any thoughts?
It's My Duty to Please That Booty!!
Last edited by neoinoakleys; 05-02-2003 at 07:49 AM..