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Old 03-12-2004, 07:09 AM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Handrail, Montana
People are willing to believe any lie as long as you make it big enough.

When a building collapses from earthquake or other damage, it collapses in large, noticeable, measurable chunks. These chunks fall haphazardly, posing a danger to the surrounding area and passersby as well.

When a building is expertly taken down, it is dropped through a series of explosives which are expertly placed at crucial points within the structure to ensure that there is maximum damage to the structure itself, but also to ensure that the structure implodes, collapsing in upon itself so that when it comes down, it does so neatly in a heap, creating a great billowing, cloud of dust, but very little else except a neat pile of rubble where the building used to be.
Does this sound at all like what took place on September 11th?
The News reporters were stating that there were several explosions within the towers that morning, but then abruptly ceased mentioning that again.
I have worked around jet fuel when I served in the Navy. It burns very hot for a very brief time, and then it is done. It is not at all like phosphorous,which is a substance I could understand doing the damage they claim came from the jet fuel, but nothing short of that or interior charges rigged to level those buildings could have done that horrendous deed.
I am not convinced that it was our own government who did this, and I do not understand why so many are so quick to point the finger that way.
Whoever it was that conceived of and carried out this heinous act has something seriously and diabolically evil in their heart and mind. This is no less evil than the Jonestown massacre, the Oklahoma City Bombing, The Gas Chambers and Ovens of the Third Reich in that this was a deliberate and decided and thought out act against innocent and unknowing persons who were sacrificed for no good cause.

If this was the work of Osama Bin Laden, then we need spare no expense rooting him out and bringing him to justice and letting him languish on a chain gang somewhere in Alabama or in complete Solitary confinement for the remainder of his days so that he has time to consider what he has done with no audience to gloat or share it with.No death penalty for that boy- let him grow old with the knowledge that there is no escape and no hope for glory and none will ever know what became of him. Then once he has died, wrap his corpse in Pig skin and bury it in an unmarked grave and be shut of him.

If this was the work of another country's government, then it was an act of war and we have no choice but to take care of business.

If it was the work of our own government then it is time for a full-out, no-holds-barred Revolution since we can no longer trust our own government to keep us from harm, but to use us as sacrificial lambs for their own purposes whenever and for whatever they choose. We make Al Sharpton King of the United States and run like hell!

I say make them open all the records from the Kennedy assassination on down and let's see what's really going on!

Boy- wait until my phone gets tapped and my internet gets bugged and I have an agent show up at my door- huh?
I'll let you know how all that goes, if I am able.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"

Last edited by Thagrastay; 03-12-2004 at 07:19 AM..
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