The games that I'm the most into are generally older and/or less graphics-intensive. Most of the FPS genre doesn't do that much for me. I don't run photochop or whatever either.
I bought the DVD-RW last month and was saddened at how badly my (wonderfully tweaked) Athlon 1000 choked trying to build a DVD.
After 3 years, I needed more CPU.
I was already sitting on the Reg-ECC dimms and the RAID card, so I decided to buy the new Xeon mobo/proc instead of buying CPU and memory (this is my first DDR experience) for the Athlon64 board I was given last month. I was about to drop some coin either way, but already having the SCSI disks is what clinched it...this A64 mobo doesn't have on-board SATA or 64-bit PCI, so I wouldn't get full-throttle disk I/O. I ended up paying about as much for the Xeon & board as I would have for the A64 and 3200 memory.
The graphics subsystem is really not very important to me. The SHG2 has an ATI RageXL chip with an 8mb framebuffer and that should do just fine for my purposes.
If I decide I need to play HLII, I'll buy a Radeon and an A64 this summer.
Hmm...If I do that, I'll need a larger KVM than this 4-port one. :/