So is it HPV Roulette?
Alright, so I just met this chick and chemically we're explosive. we're going to be meeting for a fuck-fest if you will (different cities) in a month or so, and she's been honest with me and let me know that due to a cheating ex boyfriend, she has HPV, which is trying to give her cervical cancer. Now, I'm a smart cookie, so I went to the great knowledge of the internet to find out exactly what this means to me, and this is what I've found so far:
HPV infection can happen, even with condom use.
as long as there are no visible warts, chance of infection is almost nil.
if there are visible warts, its like 60%, even with condoms.
now, she said that when she found out what she had, they treated her and she hasnt had wart symptomology at all, its just mainly wreaking havoc on her internals. question is, with no symptoms, what are my chances, and do condoms help in the slightest? also, is the chance for oral transmission the same as transmission from penetration?
i really would hate to say 'no sorry all we can do is look at eachother accross the room and masterbate,' but i'm not getting a disease just to have matter how good it might be.
the darkness it surrounds me, consumes my very soul. within this worthless existence i shall never be made whole.