Respect for the Almighty, in my case. It is a personal preference. It reminds me that G*D is not a name that is to be used as a filler in a sentance or to be thrown about in a light fashion. That is another reason I will refer to the Messiah by His Hebrew name, rather than the common anglicized version because the nodern version has become too common and has reached, in many cases a punch-line level. By referrinf to the Messiah as Yeshua and His station as that of the Meschiach, I am reminded that He was a living, breathing man who did for me what I could never do for myself and I owe him my respect and allegiance and reverence.
Rightfully spelled out, Jesus' name would have been Yeshua ben Yoshua, or Jesus, son of Joseph, but in reality, it is Yeshua ben El, Meschiach. Jesus, Son of G*D, Messiah.
Again, the spelling and defference to Him is a personal thing, but that is at least why I do it.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"