Originally posted by Billy Ocean
Ahhhh the old shat beads eh? YEah the beads are not always as glamorous as they sound. I've seen things go wrong and it's not a pretty site.
As with any anal play, there are a couple of rules of thumb.
As i understand it, there are two spincters involved.
The first one, your anus, is under conscious control. In other words, you have control over when you go.
The second one, higher up is an autonomic reflex much like breathing. When the time is right, (and you have no control over this), the body opens it, and the contents are stored in the rectum ready for evacuation. (I.e. you go to the bathroom at a time you so choose.) That's when you know you have to go.
So the secret to lack of mess is quite simple.
Go to the bathroom before you engage in anal play. And if you really want to be clean, you can go the porn star route and give yourself an enema.
Let's just say if the contents of your lower intestine are ready to be expelled, then you don't want to be engaging in anal play because they are just inside the back door.